
Multi Globe
We are offering a broad range of Carbohydrates, which is highly used by patrons owing to its purity, rich in taste and contains high nutritional value. Our offered powder is processed by experts employing the industry permitted ingredient. This powder is carefully checked on varied quality parameters by well-informed quality checkers as per the set industrial norms.
Carbohydrates are abundantly available in nature and are produced in bulk amounts. Moreover, they are inexpensive and possess a high chemical as well as enantiomeric purity. Combined with the demand for environmentally friendly processes and products sugars reveal to be competent raw materials. In the near future more and more products will be based on these natural sources.
This review focuses on sucrose and glucose as raw material. Although these materials are accessible in large amounts, few non-food applications have been developed. Fundamental research of conformational aspects in relation to their functional properties will result in directed development of new pathways to applications. Derivatisation of these carbohydrates enlarges the applicability for many purposes, such as detergents, surfactants, sequestrants and sweeteners. Moreover, new easily obtainable chiral building blocks based on these carbohydrates, can be prepared as intermediates for further syntheses. Several examples are presented of novel sucrose and glucose derivatives. Special attention is given to oxidation reactions from which aldehydes and chiral heterocylces can be obtained.
Carbohydrate is the most important food energy provider among the macronutrients, accounting for between 40 and 80 percent of total energy intake. In research on macronutrients to date, the role of dietary carbohydrates in human nutrition has been less extensively studied than those of protein and fat. The main reason for this has been the absence of sound and rapid methodologies because carbohydrate analysis is rather complicated. Considerable progress has been made in the development of methodologies based on gas-liquid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and enzymatic analyses, and research interest has grown accordingly. But old habits die hard and, since a value for the carbohydrate content of foods has long been derived "by difference", with apparently satisfactory results, there appears to be little incentive to develop more specificity for routine food composition analyses.